C++ Introduction

Introduction to C++ for Programmers

This course has been designed to provide delegates with a sound theoretical and practical introductory knowledge for reading and writing programs in C++.

On completion of the course, delegates should be able to read and write such programs using the standard language and library.


Delegates should be programmers capable in at least one other procedural or OO language such as Ada, C#, Fortran, Java, or Pascal, for example.


5 days


Learning Objectives

At the end of this class, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the capabilities of C++.
  • Define and use classes and objects, and variables of built-in types.
  • Use control flow, by if... statements, switches, and loops.
  • Define and use free and member functions.
  • Know, and be able to use, the most common operators.
  • Define and use overloaded operators.
  • Define and use constructors and destructors.
  • Understand the benefits of separating interface from implementation, and techniques to achieve this in C++.
  • Define and use static members.
  • Define and use friend functions and classes.
  • Read and write I/O handling code (including file I/O)
  • Understand the scope of the standard library
  • Be able to read and write code using features of the standard libraries.
  • Define and use derived classes, and run-time polymorphism using virtual functions.
  • Define and use class and function templates.


Who Should Attend

Programmers who need to write or maintain C++ programs.

Course Content

Concepts and syntax

Background of C++; defining data; use of data and control structures; operators and expressions; functions; classes and objects, i/o; constructors and destructors; interfaces, and Abstract Data Types; pointers; free store management; static data members and functions; inheritance; polymorphism; templates, exceptions, and other miscellaneous topics

Design, and related issues

Design and implementation alternatives and recommendations, traps and how to avoid them, available libraries and their use, and many more such topics.

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